I just finished the branding, invitation set and print ads for this Farm-to-Table event, hosted by Local Goodness. All proceeds benefit the USA Women's & Children's Hospital. Despite the time crunch, this has been one of my very favorite projects. Over 1,500 invitation sets were mailed out today! Wait until you see the final product...EACH invitation set was hand wrapped with red and white twine, and a custom designed seed packet (filled with basil seeds) was tied to the top as a favor. The "real" favor will be given to each guest at the event. The seed packets were hand stamped and read "Plant seeds of GOODNESS." More pics coming soon.... What a special event this will be—and all for a great (I mean, GOOD) cause. My job's not over yet...billboards, tickets, menus and many other items to come. Stay tuned for more details.
New Branding: Mobile Pediatric Dentistry
I've had so much fun working on the branding for Dr. Stephen Greenleaf's new practice: Mobile Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Greenleaf has been such a joy to work with, and I know Calder will be visiting him as soon as I can get the courage to schedule her first dentist appointment! Check out the website for more info.
Branding: Mobile Mardi Gras style
I'm killing two birds with one stone today. Here's a “Throw Back Thursday Wednesday” post + branding project. Thankfully, tomorrow I'll be far away from my computer and in the Tennessee mountain land—eating lots of turkey and being thankful for a much needed break! I'm so excited to re-share this branding project I designed back in-the-day (see original blog post here). I completed this design project in March of 2011...so it's pretty old school now...but still one of my all-time favorite projects.
Throwback from Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Kings and Queens and Beads, Oh My!
Yes, Mardi Gras was last Tuesday, but I wanted to share with you some design work I did for the King of Mardi Gras Juvenile Carnival Court, Benjamin Partridge Cummings Jr. I met with his mother, Laura Cummings, before Christmas and we have been working diligently ever since. Laura was an absolute joy to work with and I loved getting to know her and her family.
As you should know, Mobile is the original Mardi Gras. Believe me, as a "transplant" to this town, you can't help but notice the pride Mobilians have in that title. For weeks, the streets of downtown Mobile are filled with the sights and sounds of live marching bands, brilliant-colored floats and of course the crowds of parade goers that is Mardi Gras in Mobile. I've grown to love it, but when you experience it for the first time it is a very foreign culture and like nothing you've ever seen. There's a lot that goes into Mardi Gras, especially for the King and Court's family...whew...it's a different world around here. It really reminded me of planning a wedding!
King Ben's royal monogram was custom designed and began with pen and paper. The rakes and cowbells symbolize the history of Mobile Mardi Gras. Ben's family played a major role in the Mardi Gras history, which made it even more special. Here is excerpt from the Press Register article: "Most Mardi Gras royals have relatives who were involved in Carnival festivities in the past. But Benjamin Partridge Cummings Jr., the 2011 juvenile king for the Mobile Carnival Association, has a unique claim to fame. His fourth great-grandfather (that’s the great-great-great-great grandfather) was an antebellum Mobile hardware store owner whose rakes, cowbells and other tools helped found Mobile’s very first mystic society."
This hand-assembled pocketfold Coronation invitation featured a custom-designed royal monogram for the MCA's Juvenile King.
Here's a great picture and article of the fabulous King Benjamin in the Press Register I designed these neckties for the family to give out as gifts. I've never designed clothing before, let alone neckties, so this was a fun and challenging project.
And finally, one of my favorite creations was Ben's royal crest, which illustrates and symbolizes everything that he loves.
What an incredible memory for the entire family, and I'm truly honored to have been a part of it.
Chapel Farm Collection
Well, I dropped the ball on blogging about a branding board this week (typical), but I do plan on posting something early next week.
Yesterday, I had such a fun brainstorming session with a new client, Chapel Farm Collection. Much more coming soon: New branding, stationery system, website, blog, and more. For now, you can like them on their facebook page.
New Branding: Friends of the Delta
Whew. Life has been crazy lately. I feel like we've been going 90-to-nothing, and as much as I love being busy, I'm ready for some slow-down time. I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving in Chattanooga with our entire fam. Oh, to be away from the computer for a few days with nothing to do but sit around, eat good food, talk and laugh with the people I love, eat more good food and of course, play with our Calder-bear!
I can't wait.
On another (somewhat related) note, I'm going to try to take the time to share some of my recent design projects on the blog. I haven't blogged about a lot of my work because I've been so busy working on new projects. Every time I think about blogging, another deadline gets priority...OR I attempt to begin writing, but my brain is so fried it literally makes NO SENSE. Yes, I know, my typos are out of control these days! Needless to say, all of my clients are very special to me and deserve their own post(s)...hopefully some day soon I will have time to share the stories, sweat and tears that went into each project. My goal is to post at least one branding board a week, so here goes...
Here's a recent branding design I did for the Friends of the Delta, which is a group of folks who work together to promote a new National Park in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta. See the website here. A new website is currently in the works. It was such a fun project to be a part of, and I can't wait to see what the Friends of the Delta do to help promote and restore our beautiful Mobile Delta.
It was a true honor to be a part of this project. We explored many logo options (many is an understatement) because the Delta means so many different things to everyone, but in the end, we chose the father and son image above. I loved learning about our Mobile Delta on a three hour morning boat ride with Bill Finch. Bill is the Mobile Botanical Gardens executive director and the Press-Register’s garden writer—and he was an amazing guide to say the least. He taught me so much about this incredible treasure we have right here in Mobile Bay. Did you know we're getting a National Park in 2016? Pretty amazing to be a part of this project—and it's these times I'm reminded how much I love my job.
Caroline Ceramics
I can't tell you how much I LOVE this girl and her beautiful pottery. We've been working on her new marketing material so stay tuned...fabulous, round letterpress business cards, postcards and new stationery system coming soon. Here's a repost from my old blog about her recent branding, website design, and her NEW ONLINE SHOP!
The new Caroline Ceramics website is live! This was a true labor of love, and we so worked hard to make sure this site was everything it needed it be, including an online shop and blog. I can't tell you how much I love this girl, and it thrills me to see her beautiful work come alive on the site. The site design and branding is so Caroline, and that's what matters most in the end.
Check out Caroline's new site and buy her work online from her NEW ONLINE SHOP. Caroline is the complete package. Her work is so original and beautiful, just like her sweet little self!
Sarah Otts Paintings
There's nothing I love more than helping talented, aspiring artists' businesses grow. I find it a true honor to work for every single one of my clients, but there's something especially special when that client is one of your best friends too. I just love Sarah Otts AND her paintings. Her work is amazing—there's no other way to put it. I have two of her paintings in our home, and I'm telling you, each one of them makes the entire room. Our kitchen and living room wouldn't be same without Sarah's artistic touch. Seriously, investing in her art is worth every single penny in my opinion! I can say that with 100% honestly, but let me remind you, mine were all 100% barters...lucky me for sure!
EXCITING NEWS! We just launched her ONLINE SHOP and revamped her website! You can now buy her paintings anywhere, anytime, which is HUGE!!! Check it out! Isn't she fabulous??
And bare with me as I get a little sentimental here about our little girls who are only 3 1/2 months apart. They've been best friends since birth, regardless of whether their mom's had anything to do with that or not!:) Love you Sarah and so, so proud of you and all of your hard work! And finally, I can't believe it's already that time again! We're headed to the pumpkin patch this weekend with the same crew for pic #2. Calder's gonna be a peeeeecock!