words to live by

Wednesday Words

Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted anything on here. When life is busy the blog is the first thing to go. I don't know where to start with updates on our growing family and my business, so I'll keep it short and sweet: Life is good. God is amazing—and we are beyond blessed. What a fun time of life this is for us and I hope to post more updates soon! I was just looking over my Pinterest boards for inspiration and wanted to share some of my favorite "Words to Live by" today...

And finally, I'll share a little JOY RIDE from the fair last weekend. No words can describe how much I love these two...

days like this

ce3e7336f27ee296ef981cdabd2ac877 Keeping it short and sweet this rainy Monday, while I try to crank out this never ending to-do list—one item at a time. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. And yes. Mama said there'd be days like this. And that's when you try to focus on the good stuff and all of your blessings. This print below makes me happy. Love. every. bit. of. it.


In fact, I think I just might have to print this and frame it in Calder's room. See more words to live by on my Pinterest board.

Just Go

8db3b658a0855ce6ee3ab9088d47dbb3We relived our glory days in Oxford last weekend. I love these girls. Gah...we've had some good times together. I adored every single second at Ole Miss with them, and we've been through a lot since then. I cannot believe it's been 8 years since we graduated (most of us that is! haha) But, some things never change. We always pick up right where we left off. IMG_9288 Weekends like this are critical to sanity and to life in general. Not that I hesitated for a minute when I received the email about a girls weekend (quite the opposite!) but I'm always reminded after trips like these that when in doubt — G O. Travel. Visit good friends. Take adventures. Bring back old memories. Go somewhere new. It is almost always worth every minute and penny spent. a114b3061650354e94a7b3c5eae7d956 41095a404b459bedc66b8ec35ef94bd8 6224115929d3768a7fa9b49e1e119cf7 52a367e19b2deb6ba0c36b13b247f975 IMG_9235 cheers to that... 76eb1e1fb1c2a12e0e5cdbb43b1847a8 209d0c4e44416e3732bbcba0a2016183 #treatyoself was the theme of the weekend. We wined and dined and shopped and didn't think twice about it.

We're getting smarter in our old age. This picture was clearly taken before the drinks started pouring (except for one special bday girl)... IMG_9289 49ef6991775600dfa4611dd2096d4042

It's times like these that give us new energy and inspiration. I have so many "work-related" posts on deck. I hope to find time to blog about them soon. Right now, I'm just trying to keep my head above the water...and to make time for the most important things in life (Bruner + my BEST girlfriend below). Nothing compares to my little boogie.


Wise Words + Good Design

22826ec8cafdaa0584a58fa3411995b3These quotes are all over the place, kinda like my life these days. One thing's for sure, I love wise words that are designed well. 315e4c611c64f709264d9697884abae5 34302b2b83d1e432696bd725b5f0cd83 30fe7c65684a71f04dc1aa4e1d6dd749 d08d150e8c3dfc212865c4940172af36 723a92676308b01597fea24f890237e1 60cf5635200009aaaef593e253460aeb

psalm I could look at Pinterest quotes all day long. Gah, it's addictive! I took a little hiatus from pinning, but am back in full force these days...

Happy Monday everyone!

Normal days

normalday1I've been MIA on the blog lately, which typically means life has been crazy-busy around here. When my to-do list is overflowing, the blog is always the first thing to go. But, it's so nice to sit back and reflect on "our normal days" and look through some recent moments captured on camera. Time flies—that's for sure—but this is what matters.

I read this quote on one of my favorite blogs, A Cup of Jo: 5 beautiful motherhood tips, and got teary and thankful and sad—all at the same time. Of course, I had to quickly design a print of it. The words were just too good to read and forget. Bottom line is: It's the normalcy of life that we take for granted. We need to try and soak in every minute of it, because before we know it, it will be gone.

So, here's to our "normal" days...

IMG_8956 IMG_8966 IMG_8960 new gl IMG_8406 f2 fl IMG_6748

Missing these boat days being our "normal"...hoping the next warm Saturday or Sunday, that's where we'll be...

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And many more to come...

It's Monday, but... it's ok

115458525_C7I1NENq_cLike I've said before...I’m a sucker for quotes and graphic design, so when you put the two together I go a little overboard. Here are some of my favorites this manic Monday...

380688_446232592083578_1578641909_n 5df56dfeb0f89ffa337d823819f03f32 Screen shot 2012-05-16 at 12.38.08 PM ae46bc18df007adaeb7a6d5ff01fb887 I+love+you+not+only+for+what+you+are+but+for+what+I+am+when+I+am+with+you_by+Coulson+Macleon+Typography_spotted+on+Le+Love+blog lara-casey-handwriting I sure wish I could source all of these (see my Pinterest board for a gazillion more). Some credit is thankfully included in images. But the last one is from Lara Casey. I'm one of her biggest fans.