pandora find

Pandora Faves

I love listening to music while I work. Right now, I'm working on a new branding project and was in a design daze ... and then this song played on my Pandora "Allison Krauss" station. I had to look it up on youtube and am playing it over and over again as I work. Not crazy about the cheesy nature shots (this was the only version I could find) ... but the message was too good not to share.

And oh how I LOVE Allison Krauss. Her voice brings me back to childhood and has always been one of my favorites. Yep, this song and this song (plus a few dozen more) make me happy and take me back home.

And while I'm typing this, this James Taylor fave started playing on the same pandora station.

It's gonna be a good day. Now back to work...