Wise Words + Good Design

22826ec8cafdaa0584a58fa3411995b3These quotes are all over the place, kinda like my life these days. One thing's for sure, I love wise words that are designed well. 315e4c611c64f709264d9697884abae5 34302b2b83d1e432696bd725b5f0cd83 30fe7c65684a71f04dc1aa4e1d6dd749 d08d150e8c3dfc212865c4940172af36 723a92676308b01597fea24f890237e1 60cf5635200009aaaef593e253460aeb

psalm I could look at Pinterest quotes all day long. Gah, it's addictive! I took a little hiatus from pinning, but am back in full force these days...

Happy Monday everyone!